We launch our new site!

Today, we've launched our new site and thought we should celebrate by writing a blog post and introducing ourselves.


Equiseat Aid is a beautifully simple, highly effective product born out of a passion to help a rider get the best out of ridden work with their horse or pony. The name 'Equiseat Aid' accurately describes the purpose of the product; to focus on the rider’s seat, and aiding their connectedness with the horse.

"As a rider and trainer, I am passionate about getting the best out of both horse and rider.  Having made my living out of helping and training so called difficult and problem horses, I have found that most, if not all, behavioural issues start with physical problems. These problems vary from horse to horse but almost all involve a rider."

Vickie Dennis - Founder & Company Director, Equiseat Aid Ltd

We will soon have a range of products to chose from. So please sign up to our newsletter to get the first updates.

In the meantime our Equiseat Aid is available in black and online here.



We launch our new site!
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