I have worked alongside Vickie at Dennis Eventing for two decades, rehabilitating horses both mentally and physically. It has been very rewarding seeing the horses improve but the difficult part has always been reintroducing the rider. What may seem to be a quick fix needs to be maintained with good, balanced, effective riding.
As most horses have been asymmetrical, they have often made the rider unbalanced or vice versa. With the use of Equiseat Aid, the rider can be helped to maintain straightness and balance. I have seen and experienced the profound changes and improvement of both rider and horse pre and post use of Equiseat Aid, enabling the rider to continue strengthening and training the horse in a much more effective manner without the need for constant correction. This is such a huge benefit to the horse, the rider and to me!
A recent example of such a case was a horse I hadn’t actually treated but was able to observe having a lesson with and without the rider using Equiseat Aid. Without Equiseat Aid, the horse was very asymmetrical, unlevel on the offside hind, crooked initially, offside hind reduced track up and movement away from body (abduction). He was also noticeably unlevel both standing and in movement.
The horse improved with the use of Equiseat Aid on the left leg of rider, to balance the compensation, straightening the horse and stopping over-use of the near shoulder and improving the flight and stride length of the offside hind. I was absolutely astonished how much improvement I had witnessed, and having experienced Equiseat Aid in use for myself I'm happy to give a 5*****. rating. Highly recommended!
Tim Jarman - Equine McTimoney Chiropractor

Before being introduced to Equiseat Aid, my 9 year old gelding struggled to achieve right canter on the correct lead and seemed to 'run' from my leg. This was due to me sitting heavily on my left seat bone. Since using Equiseat Aid I can engage my right seat bone, which is due to my right hip/thigh being more open and my lower leg being more secure, which then allows him the freedom to bring his left hind leg through. Our schooling and flatwork sessions are far more relaxed and enjoyable. Definitely an aid that benefits both horse and rider.
Katie Davies-Savage BHS Level 3 Accredited Coach
I've been taught by Vickie for quite a few years on different horses. My problem has always been that I drop off to the right because of a long standing knee injury. Because of this, my progress has been limited, my horse's balance affected and even their long-term soundness. Vickie could explain to me what was happening but no amount of repetition could persuade me to change my posture in the saddle because my muscles always sought their default position. When I first put Equiseat Aid on, the difference was immediate. Within a few strides my horse had relaxed and straightened up. Suddenly, I looked more like the professional rider I had longed to be! I would definitely recommend anyone of any level or ambition to try Equiseat Aid.
Jane Wood Amateur Rider (and Equiseat Aid Early Years Guinea Pig!!)

I have been using Equiseat Aid for a number of months now and have found it to be very effective at straightening the rider while on the horse . It works well for all levels of riders and straightness is the cornerstone for me of moving forward in training your horse. A great tool to have and use as and when required. Well done to Vickie for developing this product!
Helen Bell British Eventing Coach, Centre10 Coach & former International Event Rider
Equiseat Aid was recommended to me to try as both my horse and I are crooked on the same side. He’s a big horse and I really struggled to keep him straight and stop him disappearing through the shoulder, which meant my canter transitions were hit and miss as to whether we got the correct lead.
The back end trailed and I found it difficult to get him to work over his back and for him to step under which is not ideal for long term soundness! I wear Equiseat Aid for schooling on the flat and hacking, I have found that from having my thigh positioned correctly, my seat-bones and shoulder are positioned better to prevent losing him on one side. When I have ridden without Equiseat Aid, my leg now “remembers” where it should be far quicker! My horse is more relaxed as we aren’t fighting each other on the “bad side” as if I’m sat correctly, it’s far easier for him to do what I’m asking him to do!
Amy Barnes - Amateur All-round rider

Equiseat Aid was recommended to me by Hazel Towers. I had recently been struggling with straightness and no matter what I tried we just couldn't ride a nice circle anymore. The moment I put on Equiseat Aid this all changed. I was sitting much straighter, my hips square with the horse and suddenly we were both straight. I was also surprised by how quickly I got used to riding with it. What a great invention, thank you so much, I don't want to ride without it now.
Maxie Schiffmann - Amateur Rider
I had the privilege of a trial and demo of Equiseat Aid... wow .. my seat and leg position improved. Lots more stability for me and freedom to move better for my horse, definitely worth a go.
Joanna Jordan Amateur Rider/ Would-Be-Dressage-Queen!

Equiseat has hugely helped my 12 year son, who does a lot of dressage. He has always hitched up on one side and this was having a negative effect to his pony’s way of going. We are 5 weeks into wearing the aid and what a huge difference it has made 👌. My son is now straight, level and balanced in the saddle and the pony is going so much better.I would highly recommend to product and wouldn’t be without it now! Thank you team Equiseat Aid!
Everyone needs one of these - I didn’t realise how wonky I was! Poor horse!

I’ve struggled for a long time with my saddle slipping left because of the way I sit. Much to my amazement, after schooling with the Equiseat Aid for the first time yesterday, my saddle was completely straight at the end. This is unheard of and usually my instructors are all telling me to put more weight into my right. Yesterday, I could feel my right seat bone throughout and the weight in my stirrups was even on both sides! My horse is super sensitive and could tell something was different for the first 20 mins or so, but once he began to relax the results spoke for themselves; his bend was improving and his paces felt more free – all in the space of 45 mins. I heard of the Equiseat Aid through following Kim Chapman on Instagram (I knew her at university many years ago) and I’ll be recommending to all of my horsey friends!
This has made a huge difference to my daughter’s imbalance where physios didn’t. Instantly there was an improvement whilst using the aid, and now 3 months in, there is also improved symmetry when it is not used.
Caroline & Daughter

Really pleased with mine, already seen improvements along side my regular exercises! It did feel blooming awful to start with so I knew it was going to sort me out!! My left leg has actually started working again and the long lost left seat bone is back! I love I have one less thing to think about as much. Lateral work on the left rein has improved and my horse isn't drifting left so much jumping. Thinking about getting a second to help even more. 📸 of me wearing Equiseat Aid whilst jumping. Anyone that has struggled I can definitely say it's worth perseverance. I found after probably three rides in it I almost forgot it was there and if you feel you are wonky and pop the Equiseat Aid on and it feels awful, you know it's straightened you up! The brain and muscles just need a chance to catch up.
Alison S
A simple way to help open up your hip and knee to help you develop your seat. It also highlights how much some riders rely on their inner thighs rather than seat and balance. Clamping with your thighs can restrict a horse, so by freeing up your upper leg, the horse can swing though his body and be more forward going with bigger movement – and the rider can then develop their seat and balance to work in harmony with him, rather than clamp on!
Anna - Salute Equestrian

In short, my feedback is really positive. I have a long-standing adductor problem caused by it over-firing when riding (so much so, my thighs look visibly different on the inside - not a great look in leggings!). I have had an insane amount of physio which has never helped. I can honestly say I am now riding pain-free as this gorgeous little gadget is stopping me from over using the muscle. I am having to use the smaller foam inserts due to my saddle design but nonetheless, it’s a been a bit of a life-saver for me (no exaggeration, I am no longer struggling to sleep due to pain). I don’t know what changes will remain once I take it off, or whether I’ll always have to use it to one degree or another. Oh and my horse Ralph is straighter too - win win!
Sally - Animalweb Member Equiseat Aid Tester
I recently had the opportunity to try out Equiseat Aid, and I couldn’t be more pleased with its performance and ease of use. Fitting it was a breeze; I was pleasantly surprised by how straightforward the process was. Initially, I did feel a bit funny wearing it during my first few minutes in the saddle; however, I took the wise step of embarking on a hack to gradually acclimate to the new aid. Once I settled in, I found that Equiseat Aid genuinely enhanced my riding experience. It provided impressive stabilisation, especially during my schooling sessions, allowing me to focus more on my technique rather than worrying about maintaining my balance. The true test came when I decided to jump for the first time with it; while my leg was a tad “aware” of where the 2 blocks of the aid had been the following day, the results spoke for themselves. I noticed a significant improvement in my leg position and overall stability, which I believe will only benefit my riding in the long run. Overall, I highly recommend Equiseat Aid for anyone looking to enhance their riding skills. It’s a fantastic investment for both new and experienced riders aiming to elevate their performance.